Ground Station as a Filming Tool

What happened to this thread :cry: Has anyone managed to figure out a decent workaround for POI functionality (or close to it) when setting up your mission on the Ground Station?
britchris1 said:
What happened to this thread :cry: Has anyone managed to figure out a decent workaround for POI functionality (or close to it) when setting up your mission on the Ground Station?
I think we all stopped flogging the dead horse! As GS will not do this and I can't make it do what it is not designed to do, manually is my only option. It takes practice but hey that is good. I've been practicing it so much I am getting not to bad at it now. Weird I know but thanks to the lack of this feature I am a better pilot. Thank you DJI.

Don't get me wrong I still long for the day, if ever, we get this feature!

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Do you still have full yaw control while the phantom is flying its mission? so if its enroute from wp 1 to wp 2 and you yaw the nose to face your target, will the phantom still continue on its path towards wp 2 despite the change in nose direction?
With GS you have no control over yaw, pitch or roll while a mission is in progress, only gimbel tilt, if it is in range.

Sent from Samsung S4 via Tapatalk
Well thats a bugger :lol:
Thanks for the information. I havent had a chance to really test out the ground station at all - hoping to this weekend.

Trying to think of other methods - has anyone tried this:

Phantom 2 departs wp1 - within a couple of feet you pause the mission (do you get full control on mission pause?) then yaw nose and register course lock, resume mission. Will the P2 simply correct itself and begin flying nose forward towards wp2 - or as you registered the new nose direction in course lock will it stay orientated as it is, and continue "flying sideways" with its nose pointed at your target?

Thanks again for your help.
Where is POI????

In today's lawsuit happy world DJI cannot responsibly allow it's entry level product to destroy the company and damage the entire industry.
Based on the reading I have done on other forums, and a conversation I had with another manufacturer rep at a conference last month, my guess is DJI has made a business decision not to include this feature in their entry level products. Evidenced by the fact POI is available in the more advanced and more expensive systems. Just like buying a car, If you want the advanced features you have to move up from a Ford Ranger to a Navigator. With media coverage and impending FAA regulations the last thing DJI wants to do is allow their entry level product the ability to fly with a feature that would allow the "Youtube Kids" to do even dumber and more intrusive things. We want to use POI for legitimate and interesting projects and that is why we are on these forums. However, for each one of us there are a dozen 'Children' that will use it to orbit their ex-girlfriend's house, plan paintball bombing runs, harass wildlife, etc.... DJI and the industry knows exactly what the media the media is waiting for is a "Phantom Drone" without prop guards to slam into a group of kids at a parade because it was on "Auto-Pilot".
There are POI missions that we as responsible owners would never try because we know the risks and costs of Phantom ownership. But Youtube is full of people ripping these things out of the box, popping in batteries and launching from their balconies only to crash into the neighbors car. These are the folks that ruin most sports/hobbies for the rest of us.
Very well said! I wish they would allow us yaw control during a auto flight even if we don't get a real Point of Interest (POI). Interesting comparison: DJI allows no POI in their entry level product but the competition does. I built an entry level Y6 drone from 3DRobotics, and its Pixhawk autopilot allowed real POI. XAircraft quads now offer auto flights and I think POI as well. So, DJI is clearly not influenced by its entry level competition.

I am thinking about installing a wkm into a phantom 2. You might ask yourself why I would do this? Well, because I have owned many tri, hexa, octo copters and I find anything bigger than the 350mm foot print too big and bulky. I also find the phantom to be the best balanced and easiest to fly. I recently traded an F550 for a vision + and I have a p2 with H3-3d. I took the WKM out of the F550 and installed the Naza V2 I had as I was thinking of building a F330 or similar with the WKM so I could do POI. way points are cool but again, without POI, 3/4 of the fun is gone.
Is there a way to aim the camera, such as flying down a road and filming the houses on the side as you pass.
I was hoping the heading entry in the point to point method would do this, but so far no, it does not seem to
matter which heading I enter.

I have the same issue I think flying a big square path and simply changing the nose 90 degrees at each corner would work fine if done slowly. And I believe this can be done by pressing the pause button.

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